Monday, March 4, 2019

How the Diskus is grown - King of the aquarium

Diskus (SYMPHYSODON DISCUS) fish that inhabits the tributaries of the Amazon River. He lives in groups in the zone of clear, deep and calm water, in which there are submerged branches and stable. The temperature where the discus lives is in the range of 22-28 ˚C. For storage and training in aquarium conditions, the water temperature corresponds to 28-30 ° C. They grow up to a size of 20 cm.

The loss of large fish growth requires the provision of 50 liters of water per adult discus. In the 250-liter aquarium, 6 to 7 adult discus can be read. They have similar requests as their relatives, scales, live in nature in similar and sometimes the same waters.

The diet has to be diverse and the discussions must be conserved several times a day, as it can be seen that the weaker growth of the discus is noticeable. They usually feed on granules of various manufacturers just for their own requests. Extremely good was also shown in feeding frozen foods, bloodworms, white larvae, black larvae, red larvae and of course artemia.

For the preservation of these fish, there is an extremely beautiful moat. When the fish in the common aquarium of steam are disposed of in a prepared marsh aquarium. The water must be soft and slightly acidic. Couples lay the egg most often on a clay pot. The incubation period is about 2 days. Couple watches the egg all the time And the feathers additionally reinforce the flow of water over the egg. When young fish are separated from the roe, a couple of them are transferred to the prepared place in the aquarium where the little ones will remain until they swim. It takes another two to three days. When the young people sail, parents guard them and young people are hooked to their parents. All the time, the parents of the mucus serve as the first food for the young in the first weeks. From the moment of migrating to young people, gradually savings should be made. For the beginning, there is great artemia and later cyclops. As the weather passes, young people slowly move away from their parents and can easily cross over to dry food supplements. After a month spent with parents, the fish are separated into a separate aquarium.

Discus is a quiet fish, a catchy fish that loves when it's in the company of at least 6-8 copies. In the aquarium they can hold together with other quieter species such as neon, tetris, algari. By cultivating these fish in captivity, various variants have been obtained.

When buying a disc, you must pay attention to the color of the disc itself, the ejection of the disc that should not be whitish transparent, while in the color, the disc does not have dark color, as both items are indicators of fish disease. The discs should be taken in the same size (not less than 5-6cm) and should not be mixed with the growth, because the smaller ones are usually poorly advanced.

Discus are members of the Family Cichlidae and are sometimes referred to as “King of the Aquarium” because of their majestic beauty and regal colors.  At least three species have been described, although debate continues over the validity of several assigned scientific names.  Wild caught discus can be challenging to keep, due to their specialized water chemistry and dietary needs, however, most discus sold today are captive bred and are much easier to keep.  That said, they are not for beginners, for a variety of reasons.  Through selective breeding, numerous color varieties are available and more continue to be developed.
We present you one of the most beautiful aquariums in the world with disc fish. This is a compilation of the finest samples of disc fish. Breeders wish the best of luck and success in the coming period and you enjoy watching this video.
Category of discus at videos are
Ocean Green discus,
Pigeon Snake discus,
Red White discus,
Red Spotted Green discus,
Indian Summer discus,
 Red Golden Diamond discus,
Heckel Wild discus,
Alenqer with fry discus,
Snakeskin discus,
 san merah (snake bar) Albino gen discus,
Heckel discus,
 Heckel Cross discus,
San Merah (Snake Bar) discus,
Red Alenqer discus,
Red Alenquer discus,
Red Spotted Green discus,
San Merah (Snakeskin bars) discus,
Golden discus,
Red Pearl with Fry discus,
Cobalt discus,
Red Pearl Turquoise discus.
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