Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Breeding Discus and Discus Eggs

How long do discus eggs take to hatch? In most respects, Discus Fish spawn like angelfish. The eggs hatch in about 3 or 4 days, during which time the parents guard the eggs, fan them with their fins, and work them over with their mouths, cleaning them of fungus or any foreign objects that may befall them. Dont forget to subscribe us. Be the first to watch all our new videos by subscribing to our channel. We will update every day new videos of aqua world best from worldwide. We will show you beautiful fish from all aquaristics world.

#breedingdiscus #discuseggs #discus

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Discus fish breeding

At what age do Discus start breeding? The minimum number to give you the best odds of a breeding pair is at least 12 discus fish. This is mainly because it is impossible to visibly tell the gender when they are young. Females reach maturity and start mating at about 9 months of age but males take up to 13 months. The discus must form pairs on their own.

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Aquariums Discus fish

Is discus fish hard to keep? These fish are very difficult to keep... People do, but those who enjoy the best success and relish in the hobby will in the main keep things very simple. Domestically-bred Discus are really no different to any other fish and these are the very basic rules: Keep them in groups, as they are a shoaling species.
Can I keep 2 discus?
Or just 2 discus? Discus are really herd animals, they live in very large shoals in the wild. If you are thinking of buying young/small discus, you should try to keep at least 5 of them together. They can get really depressed and sick just from the stress of being alone.
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baby discus fish

What do you feed baby discus fry? The best first food to feed them on is newly hatched brine shrimp. They love it and they will grow very quickly on this. The best way to start it is to wait until the fry are five days old. Then start off the first brine shrimp hatchery. Dont forget to subscribe us. Be the first to watch all our new videos by subscribing to our channel. We will update every day new videos of aqua world best from worldwide. We will show you beautiful fish from all aquaristics world.

#babydiscus #babydiscusfish #discusfish

Friday, April 24, 2020

Discus Farm

When starting a Discus fish aquarium expect them to be part of your life for a while. With proper care Discus fish will live an average 6 to 8 years. Most Juvenile Discus can grow faster with this diet. Freshwater live food is more preferable for them. The number of times you feed your discus fish highly depends on their size. If they are 2-3 inches long, then feeding them every 2 hours is compulsory. Dont forget to subscribe us. Be the first to watch all our new videos by subscribing to our channel. We will update every day new videos of aqua world best from worldwide. We will show you beautiful fish from all aquaristics world. #discusfarm #discusfishfarm #fishfarm

Blue diamond discus planted tank

Care LevelModerate
Color FormBlue
Water Conditions79-86° F, KH 3-8, pH 6.1-7.5
Max. Size8"
OriginCaptive-Bred, Malaysia
Minimum Tank Size55 gallons

The Blue Diamond Discus has been selectively bred for its brilliant blue coloration. It's distinguishing feature is the small white markings on it's body. However, the overall coloration of Discus will vary depending on mood and overall health of the fish. The Discus has surpassed the Angelfish as the most popular freshwater aquarium fish. Depending on sub-species, the natural range of the Discus extends from the Amazon to the Rio Negro Regions of South America.
The Blue Diamond Discus requires an advanced level of care due to its feeding habits and water filtration requirements. Territorial during spawning, this otherwise peaceful fish is among the schooling group, forming a well-defined nuclear family.
Becoming slightly territorial when breeding, it is best to breed an established pair, or maintain a group of young Discus and allow them to pair themselves. Warm, soft, slightly acidic water is required for spawning. The pair will clean a flat surface (usually a broad leaf or the side of the aquarium) prior to spawning. The parents must not be removed from the fry; the fry feed on their parents' mucus.
Largely carnivorous, the Blue Diamond Discus prefer freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, pellet food designed for Discus, high-quality flake food, and meaty frozen foods.
Approximate Purchase Size: 2" to 3-1/2"


Size Now:3" to 3.5"

Wow! This Discus Fish variety is very healthy and very strong. They're acclimated to our very hard and alkaline water with pH 7.8, which is very good.

No special R/O water, which is much better than most other Discus Fish varieties. Highly recommended.

Above: a wonderful large Wild Green Discus, swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture.

Click here to see several pictures of Wild Green Discus.

Origin: We imported these Wild Green Discus from the Rainforests in the Amazon in South America.

Maximum Size: In aquariums Discus can grow to be about 6" long and rarely even larger.

Behaviors: Discus are usually not aggressive fish, but from time to time the can be territorial.

Compatibility: Some recommended tank mates include, other Discus species, a few Corydoras Catfish, some small Tetras like Neons and Cardinals, and perhaps a small Plecostomus Catfish.

Click here to read more about compatible groups of pet fish.

Temperature: Discus live best from about 75 to 80-degrees F. with 78 being perhaps ideal.

Click here to learn about aquarium temperature, aquarium thermometers, and aquarium heaters.

Feeding: Premium Fish Food Pellets is best to feed to Discus.

Smaller sized pellets when young, and larger sized pellets when bigger, is the ideal food for these fish.

Click here to learn more about and shop online for premium fish foods.

Water Conditions: These fish prefer a pH of about 6 to 7 with low hardness.

Most water in us U.S. has a higher pH and is harder but these fish can adapt, and so as usual it's best not to try to change the pH or the hardness.

But it may be beneficial to dilute their water with RO water.

Click here for a lot more information about aquarium water conditions.

Aquarium Size: Discus will eventually need to live in an aquarium with at least 60-gallons of water, but of course bigger is better.

Decor: Discus do not need gravel, and a layer of gravel more than 1/4" thick will usually fill with bits of uneaten food that will contaminate the water.

Click here for more about aquarium gravel.

Live plants are beautiful and improve the water quality, and also Discus seem to love live plants and are healthier in planted aquariums.

Aquarium Filter: Bio-Wheel Filters are highly recommended.

Most 60-gallon aquariums have room along the back for two Penguin 350B Filters, and this is sort of a minimal Discus set up.

Better is a 80, 100, 120, 150, or 200-gallon aquarium with as many Penguin 350B Filters as will fit across the back.

Click here to learn more about aquarium filters.

The addition of Lava Rocks will keep nitrates in the ideal range.

Click here to learn more about using Lava Rocks in aquariums.

Life Span: Discus can live for several years.

Keep the water conditions excellent and feed them premium foods, and they may live for many years.

Gender: It's difficult to tell males from females, when they are small, but when mature, the male usually has more vibrant colors while a mature female is often plumper.

Breeding: Discus females will lay eggs on a flat surface that they previously cleaned off.

The male will fertilize them, and then both the male and female guard and tend to their eggs.

When the eggs hatch, the baby Discus feed off the mucus on their parent's sides.

The water will need to be warmer, soft and slightly acidic for best breeding parameters.

Click here for a lot more about breeding various tropical fish in aquariums.

Popularity: These fish have been very popular in the aquarium hobby.

Names: The scientific name for Discus is Symphysodon aequifasciatus.

Variations: There are many color variations of Discus in the aquarium hobby.

We hope you've enjoyed reading these comments.

fishtank discusfish stingray

I have known other people keep rays and discus together. Trouble is rays are predators, if it will fit, or nearly fit, in their mouth they will eat it. Even in a 180 there really isn't enough room as in floor space, for the rays he has in that video either. Sooner or later the discus will become food imo/e. Nice rays though. I have rays and discus together right now. I have two hystrix rays with my discus and my brother has 5 rays with his wild discus. Either of us have had any problems but our rays are 8"-10" and the discus are full grown. Dont forget to subscribe us. Be the first to watch all our new videos by subscribing to our channel. We will update every day new videos of aqua world best from worldwide. We will show you beautiful fish from all aquaristics world. #fishtank #discusfish #stringray

Thursday, April 23, 2020

discuss aquarium water change

How often should aquarium water be changed? A good rule is to change 10 to 15 percent of the water each week. If your tank is heavily stocked, bump that up to 20 percent each week. A lightly stocked aquarium can maybe get by for two to four weeks, but this should be the maximum length of time between water changes. To do a water change, you will need to get the fresh water ready and siphon out the dirty water. You can also take this opportunity to clean up your gravel and remove algae from the tank's walls. Gently adding the water back in makes the process seamless for your fish and can create a sparkling tank. Dont forget to subscribe us. Be the first to watch all our new videos by subscribing to our channel. We will update every day new videos of aqua world best from worldwide. We will show you beautiful fish from all aquaristics world. #discuss #aquariumwater #discuswaterchange

Top 2 meter discus tank

What Size Tank Do Discus Need? As these fish need to be in schools of at least 5, a 50 gallon tank is the smallest tank they will thrive in. They prefer larger tanks, and upwards of 100 gallons means there will be less drastic changes in water conditions and they will have the space they desire.What size tank do I need for 2 discus? If you keep a pair of companions with plants, then you require a 65-gallon tank. Recommended dimensions are 40” x 20” x 20”. The two fish should be of the same size and at least 14 cm long. Rearing group of discus will need a 50 gallon tank for 10 fish. Dont forget to subscribe us. Be the first to watch all our new videos by subscribing to our channel. We will update every day new videos of aqua world best from worldwide. We will show you beautiful fish from all aquaristics world. #topdiscustank #discustank #topdiscus

Discus Fish

These fish are very difficult to keep... People do, but those who enjoy the best success and relish in the hobby will in the main keep things very simple. Domestically-bred Discus are really no different to any other fish and these are the very basic rules: Keep them in groups, as they are a shoaling species. Dont forget to subscribe us. Be the first to watch all our new videos by subscribing to our channel. We will update every day new videos of aqua world best from worldwide. We will show you beautiful fish from all aquaristics world. #discuskeep #discusfish #discus

Gel Food Feeding Discus

Blend the beef heart, liver, shrimp, white fish, plankton, peas and spinach in a food processor. Dollop out the paste in a large bowl and add to it the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Place the mixture into freezing bags and freeze them until needed. At feeding time, take a piece and allow it to thaw Dont forget to subscribe us. Be the first to watch all our new videos by subscribing to our channel. We will update every day new videos of aqua world best from worldwide. We will show you beautiful fish from all aquaristics world. #gelfood #gelfeeding #feedingdiscus

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

TOP Aquariums Discus fish

Discus fish are so expensive because breeding and keeping them requires some of the most labor intensive fish keep practices known. ... Breeding discus, however, requires more care, very good water conditions, less fish in the tank and the expensive bigger ones are probably a year or so old. Dont forget to subscribe us. Be the first to watch all our new videos by subscribing to our channel. We will update every day new videos of aqua world best from worldwide. We will show you beautiful fish from all aquaristics world. #aquariums #discusfish #topaquariums

Detail information about discus fish

What Size Tank Do Discus Need? As these fish need to be in schools of at least 5, a 50 gallon tank is the smallest tank they will thrive in. They prefer larger tanks, and upwards of 100 gallons means there will be less drastic changes in water conditions and they will have the space they desire. Dont forget to subscribe us. Be the first to watch all our new videos by subscribing to our channel. We will update every day new videos of aqua world best from worldwide. We will show you beautiful fish from all aquaristics world. #discus #discusinformation #discusfish


The Red Marlboro Discus has been selectively bred for its brilliant red coloration. The face of this Discus is yellow and the main part of the body is bright red. Scientific Name: Symphysodon Aequifasciatus. Common Name: Marlboro Red Discus | Red Melon Discus. Size: 8- 10 inches. Life Expectancy: 5 years. Dont forget to subscribe us. Be the first to watch all our new videos by subscribing to our channel. We will update every day new videos of aqua world best from worldwide. We will show you beautiful fish from all aquaristics world. #marlborored #marlborodiscus #reddiscus

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Amazing Discus Tank

Keeping. Discus prefer low pH and soft water, just like most aquatic plants and other ornamental fish from South America. Discus are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of 5 animals upwards in a correspondingly large aquarium. As a rule of thumb you should plan with 50 to 80 liters per animal.
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Beautiful Discus Tank

Discus fish has been my favorite type of aquarium fish since I ve seen them for the first time. You need to spend time and money if you want to maintain a Discus tank.
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My Discus feeding

In aquariums, discus fish eat lots of meaty meals, such as bloodworms, earthworms, brine shrimp, white worms and mosquito larvae. They also feed on cyanobacteria such as spirulina, which helps intensify their coloration.
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Friday, April 17, 2020

Beautiful Guppy fish Collection

Beautiful Guppy fish Collection

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#guppy #beautifulguppy #guppycollection



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 #fishtank #guppies #guppiesaquarium

feed million guppy fish in your aquarium

feed million guppy fish in your aquarium

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 #guppyfish #aquarium #feedguppy

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Guppy Fish Food For Fast Growing

Guppy Fish Food For Fast Growing

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#fastgroowing #guppyfood #guppyfish 



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 #guppy #fishtank #guppyfish

Long Tail Red Royal Guppy Fish

Long Tail Red Royal Guppy Fish

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 #longtail #redroyal #redguppy

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Tips on How to Breed Guppies for Profit

Tips on How to Breed Guppies for Profit

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 #profit #guppies #breedguppies

300 guppy fish in your aquarium in 3 months

300 guppy fish in your aquarium in 3 months

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 #guppy #guppyfish #aquariumguppy



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#guppy #takeguppy #guppyfish

Tank with red guppy fish

Tank with red guppy fish

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 #redguppy #guppy #guppyfish

Monday, April 13, 2020



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#tankmates #guppy #guppies

Guppy fish eat Orange

Guppy fish eat Orange

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#guppy #orange #guppyfish



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#snakesking #beautifulguppy #guppy

Sunday, April 12, 2020



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 #guppy #guppyfish #guppycollection

How Guppy Fish Sleep at Night

How Guppy Fish Sleep at Night

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#guppy #fishsleep #guppynight

Planted Guppy Fish Tank

Planted Guppy Fish Tank

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#plantedguppy #fishtank #guppy



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 #guppyfish #strwberry #strawberryfruits

Feed My Guppy Fish Watermelon

Feed My Guppy Fish Watermelon

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 #watermelon #guppyfish #guppy

How long time is a guppy fish pregnant

How long time is a guppy fish pregnant

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 #guppy #pregnant #guppyfish

Friday, April 10, 2020

Female Aggressive Guppy

Female Aggressive Guppy

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 #female #aggressive #guppy

1 million Guppies fish in My aquarium tank

1 million Guppies fish in My aquarium tank

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#guppies #guppy #millionguppies



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 #freshwater #saltwater #guppy

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Guppy Fish VS POTATO

Guppy Fish VS POTATO

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 #guppy #potato #guppyfish

Guppy Eating Party

Guppy Eating Party

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 #guppy #guppyeating #guppyparty

Guppy fish show

Guppy fish show

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 #guppy #guppyfish #guppyshow

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Endler guppy fish hybridization

Endler guppy fish hybridization

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 #endler #endlerguppy #guppyfish

How to Raise Guppy Easy Way

How to Raise Guppy Easy Way

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#guppy #raiseguppy #gyppyeasy

Compare beauty Red Dragon Guppy

Compare beauty Red Dragon Guppy

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 #redguppy #dragonguppy #beautyguppy

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Guppy Summer Saya competition

Guppy Summer Saya competition
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#guppy #guppycompetition #guppyfish

Guppy fish All about FEEDING

Guppy fish All about FEEDING

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 #guppy #guppyfish #feeding



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