Monday, March 4, 2019

Diskus - king of fish in my aquarium

Diskus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) is the true king of freshwater aquariums. This becomes clear to you when you look at a few pictures in this article. Keeping and breeding these fish is a challenge for every experienced breeder. They are very sensitive fish and they set very high demands on the composition of water, which is why they should be kept in a special aquarium. Because of the beautiful colors that have these beautiful fish, growers simply enjoy the Discussions.

Arranging aquariums for discus
Today, keeping these beautiful fish in a properly decorated aquarium is unfortunately rare. There are several reasons for this. One of the reasons is that a certain knowledge of the aquarist is needed, because without it there is no successful holding, and the possible rearing and rejuvenation of the discus.

Combined with dark mangrove roots and green herbs, a magnificent image is created in front of you. The aquariums must be at least 1.5 m in size, so that the fish have enough space to suit them. Water preparation and the arrangement of aquariums require a certain pre-knowledge. It is recommended that the substrate is at least 4 cm thick, since the discs like the soft (sandy) bottom in which they collect food, the larger mangrove roots (one or more pieces) squeeze in the substrate or in the filter to acidify the media (if we use CO2 then it is not necessary) optimal water quality.

Plants that are planted in the aquarium must be of optimal quality and carefully selected. We recommend plants that do not require too much light and which tolerate higher temperatures of the water in the disks, such as Echinodours osiris, E. Amazonicus, E. Quadricostatus, Vallisneria Spiralis, Bacopa Monnieri, Anubias Barteri, Var. On the. and others. Here it is important to note that when the planting does not "choke" the space for the movement of the disk. Namely, the plants can be enough, but they should be distributed so that the discus has enough space for swimming so that their splendor can come to full expression.

Accommodation aquariums and food
Accommodation of aquariums with discus plays a big role, so it should be given great importance. Peace and quiet are very important for the discus, and it is necessary to place the aquariums in a peaceful place that we have at our disposal. If the aquarium is located near the door or in a place where many people pass through, the discussions will experience various stresses that will negatively affect their health. Therefore, it is best to keep the aquarium at places where the movement of people is reduced, where no great noise is reached, and in places where they will not be exposed to sunlight that creates unwanted algae and negatively affect the quality of water. Lighting in the aquarium is facilitated with several types of fluorescent tubes and it is good to have them in different combinations.

As for eating, some discussions (tubiflexes, larvae, etc.) only accept live food, while others accept dry foods. A good feeding process is feeding the disc with live and frozen foods. The discussions feed on the bovine heart and the various natural additions that every breeder keeps secret. When feeding a disc, it should be taken into account how much and when it is fed. The larger discs are fed enough 2 to 3 times a day, while the discussions of several weekly foods are 5 to 6 times a day.

Food is better when it's diverse, and it's important to keep in mind that it is not being given too much to keep it off the bottom of the aquarium. Proper nutrition of the disk will allow the discussions to grow well and be resistant to illness.

The quality of the water for the discus
In order for the discussions to be healthy and not to get sick, the water must have a certain quality. Water should be softer and in order to achieve this it is necessary to mix 50% of water from the water pipe with 50% distilled water. When preparing water or changing it, add water to prepare water that quickly binds harmful chlorine and heavy metals from the water (to rinse water or to leave it for a while). It is desirable to add water tanning agents (it is not necessary if there is enough mangrove roots), which, in addition, prepares more discretion for discus.

In order for the discussions to feel well, a more frequent partial change of water is recommended. Discussions require very warm water whose temperature should be at least 27 ° C, with the best water temperature between 28 ° C and 29 ° C. The water must be very soft (up to 4 gH) and slightly acidic (pH 6.5 to 6.9). The same is obtained by adding a "peat" to the filter or at best using a built-in CO2 system that regulates the pH value and provides enough fertilizer for feeding the plants and keeping the quality of water. With good water quality, the discussions will be healthy and will look nice. Although they are very sensitive to dirty water in which they quickly get sick and die. When selecting a filter, it is necessary to select a filter that allows greater capacity and flow of water, so that the water outlet from the fitter must not be too strong to damage the discs that do not correspond to the high flow of water that does not correspond to their natural environment and their physiology.

Of the foodstuffs of fish excrement, dead parts of plants, etc., regardless of the pH value, the ammonia or ammonia increase first. The next biological degradation produces nitrite, followed by nitrate. The nitrate in the aquarium filter can not be further decomposed, and it increases. In large concentrations (from 50 mg / lit.) Nitrate is harmful for plants and fish, and also increases algae growth. Too much nitrate concentration can be reduced by regular water change (15% -20% per week) or by planting fast growing plants (Cergophyllum demersum and others). Continuous biodegradation will be enabled by Sera bio-denitrator. It has a natural environment for bacteria that break down nitrate. Sera bio-denitrator produces 36 liters of healthy nitrate-free water every day and provides healthy life to the discus. Sera bio-denitrator enables better plant growth and significantly reduces algae growth. Various tests should regularly regulate the level of nitrates.

Preparation of the aquarium soil with various fertilizers for successful and faster growth of plants is necessary if CO2 is not used. After 4 - 6 weeks, the plants should be regularly fertilized. Plants fed over leaves, are fertilized with liquid fertilizer. One hour after fertilization it is necessary to control the amount of iron in water that must be 1mg / lit. A regular fertilizer rate is achieved in the aquarium, and it depends on the quantity, type and variety of plants that are planted in the aquarium. Plants that take nutrients mainly through the roots, are fertilized with tablets that are buried at the root, thus giving a long-lasting effect of fertilization. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an essential nutrient for all plants, especially those that slowly grow and those that need a lot of nutrients. Fertilization with CO2 is especially necessary with decorative plants with red leaves.

CO2 devices
CO2 fertilizer plants are offered in extremely high quality materials and are opened to water. The appliances contain a steel bottle of 500 g, which is environmentally friendly and can be charged in specialized stores. CO2 comes to the reactor through a two-step bubble counter with two reverse binders. With CO2, the fertilizer is 100% dissolved in water, and it accurately regulates the microprocessor and continuously controls the pH value in the aquarium.

Discovery Properties
Except in the mating season, it is very difficult to distinguish the males from the feminine discus. During the mating season, one or more pairs of discs are separated from the flock and occupy their territory. Then it's best to place them in a clean, airy aquarium in which they will snack and mate and lay eggs. Females are very good parents and care for their young ones. Discussions take care of their offspring for a long time. Discussions are fish that gather in a flock, so it is better to keep them in the aquarium. Discussions are better felt when they are not harassed by other species of fish, so it is advisable to keep them as an individual in the aquarium or neon tetra and other types of smaller fish such as various catfish.

Discussions grow from 20 cm to even 30 cm. If the discussions feel well in the aquarium, they will cheerfully show their magnificence, which we rarely find in the world of aquaristic. If the discussions are poorly felt or the created conditions do not correspond to them, they begin to lose color and darken and go to the aquarium angles.
Disease and treatment of the discus
Discussions are fish that are common often if you do not comply with the prescribed conditions, primarily because of poor water quality. They often suffer from shock due to poor transport. Disc disease is often seen on the skin as various white spots, bulges, and more. Knowing that something is wrong, the discus begins to darken and hide in the aquarium corners. He eats less and his stomach enters. The aquarium environment does not suit him. The most pronounced and common disease are the holes in the head. They begin as extremely small and grow slowly over the eyes and nasal cavity. Treatment should be used immediately for better effect with Hexamit spironucleus. The spots and shadows on the skin that the discus also knows can be treated with the drug Odinopur from Sere. Outcrops in the form of paucis are treated with Mycopur Sera, and the cracking and rotting of the feathers and strange behavior are treated with Bactopur Sera.

There are many different drugs available from various manufacturers that can be purchased at specialized stores. When buying drugs, it is important to take care of the duration of the medicine, i.e. that it is valid, you keep it out of reach of children. Discussions are better treated in separate - quarantine - aquariums of less litter. Quarantine are aquariums that are not decorated but empty for better and more effective treatment. In some cases, plastic crops are placed in quarantine, which is easy to clean after treatment.

After every successful treatment, the discs need to be refreshed with quality food and vitamin preparations in order to be as ready for return to the main aquarium. In the course of treatment, care should be taken to avoid mixing the medications and avoiding unwanted chemical processes that could endanger the health of the discus. In the end, when treating a discus, it takes great happiness.

Transport of the disk
When buying a disk, it is necessary to enable as easy and better transport to the new aquarium as the discussions are highly sensitive to transport. Due to the high temperature in which the disk resides, it is very important that this temperature is maintained even during transport. This is achieved by putting the discussions in an appropriate styrofoam box for transporting fish and putting in place original heating bodies intended for transporting fish or a bag filled with warm water.

It is best to leave the purchased fish in the aquarium for a few minutes in the bag before it can be adjusted to the aquarium temperature. After that the fish is released into the aquarium. The discus usually takes several days to adapt to the aquarium and starts to eat regularly. If there are already discussions in the aquarium, it may be that the dominant discussions will be attacked by it, but it should be stopped over time. To prevent this, it is necessary to turn off the light when playing a new disc and leave it so until the next day. With well-carried transport, the discus will get a smaller shock and it will be easier to get used to the new home and the environment.
Growing a disc is a job for professionals because it is very sensitive. Much depends on a couple of fish and the conditions in which they are held. These are extremely sensitive fish and are certainly not for beginners. Their holding requires a lot of knowledge and experience, and great attention should be paid to the quality of water. Their attitude it takes a lot of effort, learning, happiness and a lot of money, but in return you get in your home, a beautiful part of nature in South America with the king SweetWater FISH - discus.

Discus are members of the Family Cichlidae and are sometimes referred to as “King of the Aquarium” because of their majestic beauty and regal colors.  At least three species have been described, although debate continues over the validity of several assigned scientific names.  Wild caught discus can be challenging to keep, due to their specialized water chemistry and dietary needs, however, most discus sold today are captive bred and are much easier to keep.  That said, they are not for beginners, for a variety of reasons.  Through selective breeding, numerous color varieties are available and more continue to be developed.
We present you one of the most beautiful aquariums in the world with disc fish. This is a compilation of the finest samples of disc fish. Breeders wish the best of luck and success in the coming period and you enjoy watching this video.
Category of discus at videos are
Ocean Green discus,
Pigeon Snake discus,
Red White discus,
Red Spotted Green discus,
Indian Summer discus,
 Red Golden Diamond discus,
Heckel Wild discus,
Alenqer with fry discus,
Snakeskin discus,
 san merah (snake bar) Albino gen discus,
Heckel discus,
 Heckel Cross discus,
San Merah (Snake Bar) discus,
Red Alenqer discus,
Red Alenquer discus,
Red Spotted Green discus,
San Merah (Snakeskin bars) discus,
Golden discus,
Red Pearl with Fry discus,
Cobalt discus,
Red Pearl Turquoise discus.
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