Monday, March 4, 2019

What and how much to feed the discus?

Discus - an excellent fish aquarium, which gained wide popularity in our country. When buying for pets, everyone is wondering: "What to feed for throwing a disc." discus feed should be combined, checked and processed (live). It also sells to the dog a dry disk for food, which can feed the fish. This fresh fish, which can be fed 2-3 times a day, like dishes that ate them in 5-10 minutes. As is well known, residual foods are rapidly decomposed, which increases ammonia concentration in water. We discuss the mouth is very small, that is, the food must be ground. Discus food in the middle or lower layers of water, although some students are ready to take food from the human hand.
Feed wild discus? Scientist R. Geisler, who studied fish Symphysodon aequifasciatus, found that this discus is eaten by larvae of mosquitoes, small freshwater cats, larvae of fly, small worms, larvae of white mosquitoes of the application. In the south of American water, the soil is often covered with leaves of tropical plants that use bacteria and fungi. In the degradation process, microorganisms that also feed fish are formed. Open water - a paradise for larvae of insects, worms, and freshwater shrimp. Discus in search of food in the application, digging the soil, picking mud, swallowing it with food. Aquarium representatives of this type do not dig into the ground. Amazon River Sava is rich in various types of mosquitoes. Their larvae - perhaps the main food to throw a disc. Larvae of mosquitoes call Chirono-mus gigas 2 times larger than moths, located in fresh waters of our latitude. Amazon and its tributaries are often found in crabs like shrimp, but some types of crabs are very large, so the fish do not eat them.

In times of drought, the discus takes a lot of time in search of suitable food. Sometimes they are forced to starve. When it rains, water in the river grows, food becomes a lot of adults and young fish can provide full food. Therefore, during the hilly season, the fish are directly related to the rainy seasons. It is believed that the Discus Aquarium Disproportionate fish in captivity can have many types of animal feed, but, like other fish species, they will not tolerate monotonous foods. If the fish abruptly left the food, there are three possible answers - not like, not answering, or pets are sick.
The rules for food discus Discus to eat right, it should give alternately live, frozen and dry food, and "mix". Each food contains a sufficient amount of useful things that have a beneficial effect on fish health, a saturated color scale. The main nutrition of the discus aquarium should be a combination of all foods. Live - the most common fishing glider and Tubifex. Discus - Cichlids family, as we know, cyclides do not eat this food, it disturbs the digestive organs. However, the disc is transmitted if proper food is given. And the FRY of these fish does not grow without protein. Frozen mosquito larvae - processed food, but even here there are "traps". Some breeders knock off a glacier for fishing in formalin, potassium permanganate or methylene blue for food sterilization. Any chemistry is also harmful to fish. What should I do? Motyl can rinse well, then freeze. It's less evil. But the trumpeter can not be frozen, just for washing. Feeding our water can be dangerous for these fish.

Foods in the form of minced meat - a treat for your pets. Despite the fact that tsihlidok does not feed meat of warm-blooded animals, the disc has been shifted in the form of meat. The recipe of this "food" is simple: peeled off the vein and the heart of veal fat (slightly more than half of the heart), squid meat, frozen shrimp meat is mixed in equal proportions. All the ingredients passed through the grinder, rolled in the form of a cake and placed in the freezer. In such hair on additives can be added to a fortified disc, crushed juice, or carrots. Also, in a mix, you can add a chopped lettuce, dandelion, spinach. The inner coat vitamin complex "Undevit" (white part) is ground and added to the food. vitamins manufacturers "Tetra" and "Sera" fit in the best possible way.
Frozen Discs Food - in Pet Store Stores, you can find many types of "frost" that are the most flesh, but have prepared a special technology. You choose - to endure yourself, or to buy. Likewise, as frozen foods can be given in throwing a disc of daphne, Cyclops, Crank, Adult Artemia. There is one disadvantage - frozen food before servicing at the counter can be thawed many times and frozen back, destroying their quality. Buy "freezing" from approved suppliers. Dry pet food for these fish - are specialized types of food, which is made by a special recipe at the workplace. Choose any popular brand, it's important that you evaluate it. Dry foods are a complex of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins, which are essential for fish. But often such foods can not feed fish, they quickly become accustomed to it, and this can harm the digestive system.

Recipe for nutritious minced fish Ingredients: veal or beef of the heart, shrimp, fresh frozen, lean fillets of sea fish (sea bass can be), peeled squid, must mix octopus, shell, salad or spinach, parsley, spirulina. The mixture can be added to a bit of dry disk food, which is saturated with foods useful trace elements and vitamins. Half purified from the beef of the heart of the line and the film is mixed in proportions 1/3 of the rest of the ingredients passed through the grinding of the meat. The resulting minced meat can be packaged in a plastic bag and left in the freezer.

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Discus are members of the Family Cichlidae and are sometimes referred to as “King of the Aquarium” because of their majestic beauty and regal colors.  At least three species have been described, although debate continues over the validity of several assigned scientific names.  Wild caught discus can be challenging to keep, due to their specialized water chemistry and dietary needs, however, most discus sold today are captive bred and are much easier to keep.  That said, they are not for beginners, for a variety of reasons.  Through selective breeding, numerous color varieties are available and more continue to be developed.
We present you one of the most beautiful aquariums in the world with disc fish. This is a compilation of the finest samples of disc fish. Breeders wish the best of luck and success in the coming period and you enjoy watching this video.
Category of discus at videos are
Ocean Green discus,
Pigeon Snake discus,
Red White discus,
Red Spotted Green discus,
Indian Summer discus,
 Red Golden Diamond discus,
Heckel Wild discus,
Alenqer with fry discus,
Snakeskin discus,
 san merah (snake bar) Albino gen discus,
Heckel discus,
 Heckel Cross discus,
San Merah (Snake Bar) discus,
Red Alenqer discus,
Red Alenquer discus,
Red Spotted Green discus,
San Merah (Snakeskin bars) discus,
Golden discus,
Red Pearl with Fry discus,
Cobalt discus,
Red Pearl Turquoise discus.
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