The discus is the king of cyclides, many of which are the prettiest and most mysterious fish that in many things differs from other types of cyclids. Their body is typically flattened in the form of a disc. All the discussions come from Amazon, Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. They are never in the Amazon alone, but in its calm tributaries and lakes. The society makes them scales, magazines and festivals.
When regular annual flows of the river occur, the mating season takes place. Discussions are best felt in peaceful isolated lakes. It was noticed that the discussions are in areas where there are no shrubs that create shade, which is, therefore, a warmer, better health, and they multiply more. It loves the places where the tree sank to the bottom, creating its branches a maze of passage. For such places their body shape is ideal, as they can pass through the narrow passages, and they are greatly camouflaged by numerous predators.
The discus is the first scientifically described by the ichthyologist Dr. Johann Jacob Heckel. In the 1930s, aquarists started holding discus in aquariums. In 1949, W. T. Dodd began with the first serious breeding. Over the years, aquarists have figured out what conditions to be met in order to be able to grow discus. To date, a large number of different variants of the disc have been cultivated, most of which are much more resistant to aquarium conditions than their wild relatives.
Today, two types of discus are recognized, and five subspecies:
Symphysodon aequifaciata aequifaciata comes from the region of Western Amazone, Rio Putumayo, Rio Nanay and Rio Tefe. Body colors vary greatly in the area where they live. They are usually brown to greenish-yellowish. Vertical strips are poorly expressed and eventually lose. Red dots from the middle of the body to the tail appear, sometimes even over the entire body. The water temperature that suits them is 26-31 ° C, a pH of 5-7, dH of 0-5.
Symphysodon aequifaciata axelrodi inhabits areas around Belem and Manaus, Rio Purus and Rio Urubus. The color can be light brown to dark brown. Unlike the Heckel discus, there is no expressive fifth vertical line. The foreskin and anal fin can be green-blue or reddish. It is one of the easier to maintain discussions. Artificial bred specimens come from Asia with unnaturally expressed red shades that soon fade. The water temperature that suits them is from 26-31 ° C, a pH of 5-7.5, dH of 0-8.
Symphysodon aequifaciata haraldi inhabits areas around Manaus and Benjamin Constant. They are quite similar to their close relatives with brown discus. Their color is crimson crimson with blue horizontal stripes. The water temperature that suits them is from 26-31 ° C, a pH of 5-7, dH of 0-6.
Symphysodon discus inhabits areas of central Brazil around Manaus - Rio Negro, Rio Xingu, Abacaxis and Trombetas. Their body is stretched out with 9 vertical lines, of which the first, fifth and ninth are more pronounced. The fifth line passes through the middle of the body and it is the most pronounced and thickest. The first line passes through the eye of the fish, while the ninth passes over the beginning of the tail feather. The color of the body is reddish, spun with turquoise vessels. Symphysodon discus willischwartzi has a brighter pastel color. It is the most demanding and least represented discus in aquariums. Probably because his colors are less pronounced in relation to other types of discus. It's hard for breeding, males are more resistant than females, which makes them quite interspersed with other species. They require even higher water temperatures than other discs, from 27-32 ° C, pH 5.5-6.5, dH 0-3.
We listed five basic subtypes of the disc. There are many different geographical variations of the discs and even more artificially bred hybrid species.
Discus are social fishes and recommend keeping them in colonies of five or more copies. A lonely disc will be under great stress and will not survive for a long time. Before you buy discus, be sure to know who was growing them and under what conditions. Water quality in your aquarium should be as close as possible to the quality of the water in which the discs are located. Fishes are susceptible to stress, from which they can easily die. Choose the one that eats without fear and does not hide in the corner of the aquarium.
The aquarium should be long (over 100 cm) and tall (at least 50 cm). Only in this way will the full beauty and grace of the discourse come to expression. It should be densely planted with plants, leaving an empty space for swimming. Also in the aquarium should be placed various wood and stumps. They will, along with a decorative element, also release tannin that will acidify, soften and darken the water. This is quite important because the discussions do not like too much light, so it's good to float on the surface.
Water quality plays an important role in all cyclids, but it is invaluable in disk. Biological filtration must be almost ideal, the level of ammonia and nitrite is zero, and the nitrate is almost zero. Water hardness and pH are not so important, but they must be constant. In the natural habitat, the hardness of the water is very low, even below 1 ° dH. For plant growth, minimum water hardness of 3 ° dH is required. Discussions will be well tolerated with relatively hard water 10 - 15 ° dH, and up to 18 ° dH. Only for successful propagation is it necessary to lower the hardness to below 10 ° dH. Water should be acidic, pH between 6 - 7, and for successful reproduction 5.5 - 6.0. As in many of our parts the composition of water is different from that needed discus, water has to be adapted. This is one of the main reasons why the discus is not a fish for beginners. Reduction of hardness and pH is achieved by peat, deionized water, filtration through reverse osmosis, ion exchangers ... All these modes require experience and knowledge. The water parameters in the aquarium, as well as the water to be added, must be constantly measured, since the discussions do not yield major and sudden changes. Due to all this, the discus should not be the first fisherman of any aquarist.
Unlike other cyclides, the water temperature is one of the most important factors in the discussions. Let the temperature also be constant 26-31 ° C, because if the temperature drops, they become susceptible to parasite attacks. In order to prevent the disorder of the discus, many aquarists carry rigorous quarantine that lasts up to three weeks.
Fish and plants that we can have with a discus
Many more serious breeders in the aquariums hold exclusively discus, in order to reduce the risk of infection to a minimum. In addition, as the discussions live in fairly warm waters, most fish can not tolerate such temperatures. Scales are fish that come from the same area as the discussions. It should be noted that many scales carry parasites in which scales are extremely sensitive, so most aquarists avoid them. However, if you decide to keep these two types together, make sure that scales do not carry parasites inside. The most suitable fish are the flocks of small tetras Paracheirodon axelrodi (cardinal neonka), Hemmigrammusi, Nannostomusi which will not bother with the discus, and will contribute to the visual effect of the aquarium. Peaceful dwarf Cyclids Papiliochromis ramirezi and some Apistograms also make an ideal choice. Neonke - Paracheirodon innesi and Corydorasi come from colder waters and will have problems in a hot aquarium with discus.
As with fish, water temperature plays an important role in the selection of plants. Echinodorus bleheri - Amazonka - the most popular plant for the Amazonian aquarium, Nymphoides aquatica, Cabomba furcata, Ceratophylum demersum, Microsorium pteropus, Ludwigia glandulosa, Anubias, Cryptocorine, Vallisneria Spiralis are the plants that will best fit the aquarium with discus.
The discus become fully mature between 18 and 24 months of life. It is necessary to decide between two reproduction techniques. Only original, original species are reproduced at the first. It is very difficult to get such a discus, it's harder to steam and much more irreversible. In the second technique, artificially cultivated varieties of the disc are propagated. You also need to decide whether you want to keep that variant or cross a new profit. It is possible to get an already steamed couple (a fairly expensive variant), and it is best to buy more young discus that will eventually form pairs. To distinguish between males and females sometimes is not so easy. To the males, the skull profile is rounded, should have longer abdominal feathers, pointed back and anal fins. The most striking difference occurs during mating. The genital papillae of the females are rounded, while the males are scarlet. They are reconstructed in such a way that the male and the female are constantly approaching each other. The forehead and anal feathers darken, and the color of the body changes. A man cleans the city, a large leaf, a jar or even an aquarium glass. The fishermen swim together, often go back, and at the same time perform strange movements with their heads.
In order for the discus to be successfully propagated, it is necessary that the water parameters be next. The hardness of water is about 6 dH (preferably smaller), pH - 6, temperature - 30-32 ° C. Although many of the discussions in the hardy water will try to get offspring, it will be practically impossible because in the hard water, the outer envelope of the egg due to the excessive amount of calcium becomes pretentious, and spermatozoid can not penetrate it. In this way, the eggs remain unobstructed, and all the effort of the discus collapses. A woman lies between 50 and 400 eggs on a previously cleaned and prepared surface. The male then releases sperm (even it can happen that two females are burned out and there is nothing at all in the end of the ritual.) As with other types of cyclids, the first attempts often end up with the failure of a young couple.
A female feather starts the flow of water, bringing eggs an additional amount of oxygen, and the male protects the territory. Unfit and broken eggs are removed. After 60 hours, young fishes leak. Then the parents are taken to another pre-prepared place. In the first days of life, the fish feeds the gingerbread with which they were born. When they consume all the yolks, they swim and start feeding skin mucous secretions from the parent's body, which occurs only at that time and produces the gland. This is the so-called. milk of the discus and is the ideal food for young discus in the next few weeks. In this incredible act, both parents are involved, who are exchanged in the body of their body. If the chemical composition of the water is not appropriate, the parents will not have any secretions on the skin, and the entire body will fall apart.
Many experienced discusers divide untreated eggs from their parents, and they care for their further growth. After that, young discus are ready for feeding artemias and microbubbles. It's the best time to get rid of your parents and go on living without them. Like all other cyclids, they need to be fed frequently, taking care of the optimal water quality. A frequent change of part of the water will accelerate their growth.
The best way to prevent disease is a strong prevention. Quarantine, the optimal quality of water, proper diet will prevent many diseases. Because many diseases are difficult to diagnose, and the fish are difficult or unhealthy. But the discussions are only living beings, they live and die in nature, and so in the aquariums.
Quarantine serves to see if the new fish is healthy and avoid any possible infection of other fish. Although many aquarists maintain that quarantine is unnecessary, it is almost necessary for expensive discussions. A discus is placed in a pre-prepared small aquarium in which it will feel safe. Light is not necessary or should be kept to a minimum. In the period of three weeks, every fish should be carefully monitored to see possible problems. Medicinal baths of fish are cleansed of possible parasites. By increasing the temperature to 35 ° C, parasites, Capillaria and Hexamit are destroyed.
Optimum water quality - discussions have for centuries developed their immune system in Amazonian acidic and soft waters. In alkaline water, there are different pathogens than in acidic, and in quantity there are more. Therefore, it would be ideal if water in the aquarium is just like that. But it's even more important to be constant. In particular, this refers to the temperature that can never fall quickly, because the parasite will be infected.
Proper nutrition - in nature, the discus feeds on insect larvae, small worms and crampons. Today, technology has progressed so much that it is even safer to store discs by purchasing than live food. By feeding them with live food, there is always a risk of transmitting the disease. Keep them food that will allow them a safe source of protein, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. It's best that you do not give them the same food every day, because it will be good for them to get bored after a certain time. It's better to give them some food a few times a day. Of course, as with all other fishers, care must be taken not to give too much food.
But no matter how hard they try, the disorder can never be prevented with 100% certainty. Suitable conditions reduce the risk, but can not be completely eliminated. By observing daily it is possible to notice a change in the fish and react in time. Some of the symptoms of the disc disease are as follows: lowered feathers and limited movement, refusal of food for more than two days, combing a disk on the surface or stones, swimming in the air, frequent air out of the surface, darkening of the entire body ... Correct diagnosis is the most important. If you are not sure, inquire before it is too late. The discus should be removed from the aquarium and treated in a separate, small aquarium. We will mention only two common diseases that aquarists often mix - hexamite and holes in the head. Hexamite is a intestinal protozoal that attacks the intestines. Muffin ejection is the first sign of hexamite, and then the fish begins to hide in the corners of the aquarium, swims backwards and completely darkens. The correct quarantine hexamite can be detected in time and the fish cured.
Holes in the head are due to a lack of vitamins C, D, calcium and phosphorus, all of which arise due to poor water quality in the aquarium or irregular nutrition. It was noticed that in densely planted aquariums, the holes in the head appear much more rarely. If the disc does not cure for a time, the non-parasitic whipers who inhabit the aquariums, the fish dies, into the holes.
The discus is a fish that captivates every aquarist, whether a beginner or an experienced professional. Color, look, behavior, attract aquarists at first glance. They have a reputation for heavy maintenance. Discussions are certainly not fish for beginners, but a little more experienced aquarists should be a real challenge. They are more demanding than many other aquarium fish, it requires strict and regular water changes associated with its regular testing, more reliable and quality filters and heaters. Think carefully if you can meet all of these requirements. If the answer is yes, the discussions are genuine fish for you. They are not very active, they do not like to swim swiftly around the aquarium, and they do not like the other fish that do it. And this is exactly the magnificent and dignified holding of the discus one of his recognizable and irresistible characteristics. If you give them the necessary care, they will return you with their unceasing behavior, calmness and grace. If you want to have a cyclide in a densely planted aquarium with lots of plants, the discus is a fish for you.
Discus are members of the Family Cichlidae and are sometimes referred to as “King of the Aquarium” because of their majestic beauty and regal colors. At least three species have been described, although debate continues over the validity of several assigned scientific names. Wild caught discus can be challenging to keep, due to their specialized water chemistry and dietary needs, however, most discus sold today are captive bred and are much easier to keep. That said, they are not for beginners, for a variety of reasons. Through selective breeding, numerous color varieties are available and more continue to be developed.
We present you one of the most beautiful aquariums in the world with disc fish. This is a compilation of the finest samples of disc fish. Breeders wish the best of luck and success in the coming period and you enjoy watching this video.
Category of discus at videos are
Ocean Green discus,
Pigeon Snake discus,
Red White discus,
Red Spotted Green discus,
Indian Summer discus,
Red Golden Diamond discus,
Heckel Wild discus,
Alenqer with fry discus,
Snakeskin discus,
san merah (snake bar) Albino gen discus,
Heckel discus,
Heckel Cross discus,
San Merah (Snake Bar) discus,
Red Alenqer discus,
Red Alenquer discus,
Red Spotted Green discus,
San Merah (Snakeskin bars) discus,
Golden discus,
Red Pearl with Fry discus,
Cobalt discus,
Red Pearl Turquoise discus.
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When regular annual flows of the river occur, the mating season takes place. Discussions are best felt in peaceful isolated lakes. It was noticed that the discussions are in areas where there are no shrubs that create shade, which is, therefore, a warmer, better health, and they multiply more. It loves the places where the tree sank to the bottom, creating its branches a maze of passage. For such places their body shape is ideal, as they can pass through the narrow passages, and they are greatly camouflaged by numerous predators.
The discus is the first scientifically described by the ichthyologist Dr. Johann Jacob Heckel. In the 1930s, aquarists started holding discus in aquariums. In 1949, W. T. Dodd began with the first serious breeding. Over the years, aquarists have figured out what conditions to be met in order to be able to grow discus. To date, a large number of different variants of the disc have been cultivated, most of which are much more resistant to aquarium conditions than their wild relatives.
Today, two types of discus are recognized, and five subspecies:
Symphysodon aequifaciata aequifaciata comes from the region of Western Amazone, Rio Putumayo, Rio Nanay and Rio Tefe. Body colors vary greatly in the area where they live. They are usually brown to greenish-yellowish. Vertical strips are poorly expressed and eventually lose. Red dots from the middle of the body to the tail appear, sometimes even over the entire body. The water temperature that suits them is 26-31 ° C, a pH of 5-7, dH of 0-5.
Symphysodon aequifaciata axelrodi inhabits areas around Belem and Manaus, Rio Purus and Rio Urubus. The color can be light brown to dark brown. Unlike the Heckel discus, there is no expressive fifth vertical line. The foreskin and anal fin can be green-blue or reddish. It is one of the easier to maintain discussions. Artificial bred specimens come from Asia with unnaturally expressed red shades that soon fade. The water temperature that suits them is from 26-31 ° C, a pH of 5-7.5, dH of 0-8.
Symphysodon aequifaciata haraldi inhabits areas around Manaus and Benjamin Constant. They are quite similar to their close relatives with brown discus. Their color is crimson crimson with blue horizontal stripes. The water temperature that suits them is from 26-31 ° C, a pH of 5-7, dH of 0-6.
Symphysodon discus inhabits areas of central Brazil around Manaus - Rio Negro, Rio Xingu, Abacaxis and Trombetas. Their body is stretched out with 9 vertical lines, of which the first, fifth and ninth are more pronounced. The fifth line passes through the middle of the body and it is the most pronounced and thickest. The first line passes through the eye of the fish, while the ninth passes over the beginning of the tail feather. The color of the body is reddish, spun with turquoise vessels. Symphysodon discus willischwartzi has a brighter pastel color. It is the most demanding and least represented discus in aquariums. Probably because his colors are less pronounced in relation to other types of discus. It's hard for breeding, males are more resistant than females, which makes them quite interspersed with other species. They require even higher water temperatures than other discs, from 27-32 ° C, pH 5.5-6.5, dH 0-3.
We listed five basic subtypes of the disc. There are many different geographical variations of the discs and even more artificially bred hybrid species.
Discus are social fishes and recommend keeping them in colonies of five or more copies. A lonely disc will be under great stress and will not survive for a long time. Before you buy discus, be sure to know who was growing them and under what conditions. Water quality in your aquarium should be as close as possible to the quality of the water in which the discs are located. Fishes are susceptible to stress, from which they can easily die. Choose the one that eats without fear and does not hide in the corner of the aquarium.
The aquarium should be long (over 100 cm) and tall (at least 50 cm). Only in this way will the full beauty and grace of the discourse come to expression. It should be densely planted with plants, leaving an empty space for swimming. Also in the aquarium should be placed various wood and stumps. They will, along with a decorative element, also release tannin that will acidify, soften and darken the water. This is quite important because the discussions do not like too much light, so it's good to float on the surface.
Water quality plays an important role in all cyclids, but it is invaluable in disk. Biological filtration must be almost ideal, the level of ammonia and nitrite is zero, and the nitrate is almost zero. Water hardness and pH are not so important, but they must be constant. In the natural habitat, the hardness of the water is very low, even below 1 ° dH. For plant growth, minimum water hardness of 3 ° dH is required. Discussions will be well tolerated with relatively hard water 10 - 15 ° dH, and up to 18 ° dH. Only for successful propagation is it necessary to lower the hardness to below 10 ° dH. Water should be acidic, pH between 6 - 7, and for successful reproduction 5.5 - 6.0. As in many of our parts the composition of water is different from that needed discus, water has to be adapted. This is one of the main reasons why the discus is not a fish for beginners. Reduction of hardness and pH is achieved by peat, deionized water, filtration through reverse osmosis, ion exchangers ... All these modes require experience and knowledge. The water parameters in the aquarium, as well as the water to be added, must be constantly measured, since the discussions do not yield major and sudden changes. Due to all this, the discus should not be the first fisherman of any aquarist.
Unlike other cyclides, the water temperature is one of the most important factors in the discussions. Let the temperature also be constant 26-31 ° C, because if the temperature drops, they become susceptible to parasite attacks. In order to prevent the disorder of the discus, many aquarists carry rigorous quarantine that lasts up to three weeks.
Fish and plants that we can have with a discus
Many more serious breeders in the aquariums hold exclusively discus, in order to reduce the risk of infection to a minimum. In addition, as the discussions live in fairly warm waters, most fish can not tolerate such temperatures. Scales are fish that come from the same area as the discussions. It should be noted that many scales carry parasites in which scales are extremely sensitive, so most aquarists avoid them. However, if you decide to keep these two types together, make sure that scales do not carry parasites inside. The most suitable fish are the flocks of small tetras Paracheirodon axelrodi (cardinal neonka), Hemmigrammusi, Nannostomusi which will not bother with the discus, and will contribute to the visual effect of the aquarium. Peaceful dwarf Cyclids Papiliochromis ramirezi and some Apistograms also make an ideal choice. Neonke - Paracheirodon innesi and Corydorasi come from colder waters and will have problems in a hot aquarium with discus.
As with fish, water temperature plays an important role in the selection of plants. Echinodorus bleheri - Amazonka - the most popular plant for the Amazonian aquarium, Nymphoides aquatica, Cabomba furcata, Ceratophylum demersum, Microsorium pteropus, Ludwigia glandulosa, Anubias, Cryptocorine, Vallisneria Spiralis are the plants that will best fit the aquarium with discus.
The discus become fully mature between 18 and 24 months of life. It is necessary to decide between two reproduction techniques. Only original, original species are reproduced at the first. It is very difficult to get such a discus, it's harder to steam and much more irreversible. In the second technique, artificially cultivated varieties of the disc are propagated. You also need to decide whether you want to keep that variant or cross a new profit. It is possible to get an already steamed couple (a fairly expensive variant), and it is best to buy more young discus that will eventually form pairs. To distinguish between males and females sometimes is not so easy. To the males, the skull profile is rounded, should have longer abdominal feathers, pointed back and anal fins. The most striking difference occurs during mating. The genital papillae of the females are rounded, while the males are scarlet. They are reconstructed in such a way that the male and the female are constantly approaching each other. The forehead and anal feathers darken, and the color of the body changes. A man cleans the city, a large leaf, a jar or even an aquarium glass. The fishermen swim together, often go back, and at the same time perform strange movements with their heads.
In order for the discus to be successfully propagated, it is necessary that the water parameters be next. The hardness of water is about 6 dH (preferably smaller), pH - 6, temperature - 30-32 ° C. Although many of the discussions in the hardy water will try to get offspring, it will be practically impossible because in the hard water, the outer envelope of the egg due to the excessive amount of calcium becomes pretentious, and spermatozoid can not penetrate it. In this way, the eggs remain unobstructed, and all the effort of the discus collapses. A woman lies between 50 and 400 eggs on a previously cleaned and prepared surface. The male then releases sperm (even it can happen that two females are burned out and there is nothing at all in the end of the ritual.) As with other types of cyclids, the first attempts often end up with the failure of a young couple.
A female feather starts the flow of water, bringing eggs an additional amount of oxygen, and the male protects the territory. Unfit and broken eggs are removed. After 60 hours, young fishes leak. Then the parents are taken to another pre-prepared place. In the first days of life, the fish feeds the gingerbread with which they were born. When they consume all the yolks, they swim and start feeding skin mucous secretions from the parent's body, which occurs only at that time and produces the gland. This is the so-called. milk of the discus and is the ideal food for young discus in the next few weeks. In this incredible act, both parents are involved, who are exchanged in the body of their body. If the chemical composition of the water is not appropriate, the parents will not have any secretions on the skin, and the entire body will fall apart.
Many experienced discusers divide untreated eggs from their parents, and they care for their further growth. After that, young discus are ready for feeding artemias and microbubbles. It's the best time to get rid of your parents and go on living without them. Like all other cyclids, they need to be fed frequently, taking care of the optimal water quality. A frequent change of part of the water will accelerate their growth.
The best way to prevent disease is a strong prevention. Quarantine, the optimal quality of water, proper diet will prevent many diseases. Because many diseases are difficult to diagnose, and the fish are difficult or unhealthy. But the discussions are only living beings, they live and die in nature, and so in the aquariums.
Quarantine serves to see if the new fish is healthy and avoid any possible infection of other fish. Although many aquarists maintain that quarantine is unnecessary, it is almost necessary for expensive discussions. A discus is placed in a pre-prepared small aquarium in which it will feel safe. Light is not necessary or should be kept to a minimum. In the period of three weeks, every fish should be carefully monitored to see possible problems. Medicinal baths of fish are cleansed of possible parasites. By increasing the temperature to 35 ° C, parasites, Capillaria and Hexamit are destroyed.
Optimum water quality - discussions have for centuries developed their immune system in Amazonian acidic and soft waters. In alkaline water, there are different pathogens than in acidic, and in quantity there are more. Therefore, it would be ideal if water in the aquarium is just like that. But it's even more important to be constant. In particular, this refers to the temperature that can never fall quickly, because the parasite will be infected.
Proper nutrition - in nature, the discus feeds on insect larvae, small worms and crampons. Today, technology has progressed so much that it is even safer to store discs by purchasing than live food. By feeding them with live food, there is always a risk of transmitting the disease. Keep them food that will allow them a safe source of protein, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. It's best that you do not give them the same food every day, because it will be good for them to get bored after a certain time. It's better to give them some food a few times a day. Of course, as with all other fishers, care must be taken not to give too much food.
But no matter how hard they try, the disorder can never be prevented with 100% certainty. Suitable conditions reduce the risk, but can not be completely eliminated. By observing daily it is possible to notice a change in the fish and react in time. Some of the symptoms of the disc disease are as follows: lowered feathers and limited movement, refusal of food for more than two days, combing a disk on the surface or stones, swimming in the air, frequent air out of the surface, darkening of the entire body ... Correct diagnosis is the most important. If you are not sure, inquire before it is too late. The discus should be removed from the aquarium and treated in a separate, small aquarium. We will mention only two common diseases that aquarists often mix - hexamite and holes in the head. Hexamite is a intestinal protozoal that attacks the intestines. Muffin ejection is the first sign of hexamite, and then the fish begins to hide in the corners of the aquarium, swims backwards and completely darkens. The correct quarantine hexamite can be detected in time and the fish cured.
Holes in the head are due to a lack of vitamins C, D, calcium and phosphorus, all of which arise due to poor water quality in the aquarium or irregular nutrition. It was noticed that in densely planted aquariums, the holes in the head appear much more rarely. If the disc does not cure for a time, the non-parasitic whipers who inhabit the aquariums, the fish dies, into the holes.
The discus is a fish that captivates every aquarist, whether a beginner or an experienced professional. Color, look, behavior, attract aquarists at first glance. They have a reputation for heavy maintenance. Discussions are certainly not fish for beginners, but a little more experienced aquarists should be a real challenge. They are more demanding than many other aquarium fish, it requires strict and regular water changes associated with its regular testing, more reliable and quality filters and heaters. Think carefully if you can meet all of these requirements. If the answer is yes, the discussions are genuine fish for you. They are not very active, they do not like to swim swiftly around the aquarium, and they do not like the other fish that do it. And this is exactly the magnificent and dignified holding of the discus one of his recognizable and irresistible characteristics. If you give them the necessary care, they will return you with their unceasing behavior, calmness and grace. If you want to have a cyclide in a densely planted aquarium with lots of plants, the discus is a fish for you.
We present you one of the most beautiful aquariums in the world with disc fish. This is a compilation of the finest samples of disc fish. Breeders wish the best of luck and success in the coming period and you enjoy watching this video.
Category of discus at videos are
Ocean Green discus,
Pigeon Snake discus,
Red White discus,
Red Spotted Green discus,
Indian Summer discus,
Red Golden Diamond discus,
Heckel Wild discus,
Alenqer with fry discus,
Snakeskin discus,
san merah (snake bar) Albino gen discus,
Heckel discus,
Heckel Cross discus,
San Merah (Snake Bar) discus,
Red Alenqer discus,
Red Alenquer discus,
Red Spotted Green discus,
San Merah (Snakeskin bars) discus,
Golden discus,
Red Pearl with Fry discus,
Cobalt discus,
Red Pearl Turquoise discus.
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