Monday, March 4, 2019

How to cools the aquarium at summer?

Like all other pets, and aquariums need help during the summer to cool down and refresh. Living in water does not help them much when the water temperature in the aquarium rises above the permissible and optimal limits. What to do?

The water temperature in the aquarium flying almost always exceeds the limit of 26oC, which means that the temperature is higher in water than oxygen. Check, therefore, all the equipment for the aquarium, because it is very important that it works flawlessly during the flight. Especially this applies to filters that collect impurities. It is also not advisable to put fresh fish in the aquarium during the warm summer months.

Here are some simple and effective ways to cool your fish in the aquarium and restore the water temperature to the ideal state.

Open the window
During the night, a window opens in the room where the aquarium is located. Just be careful to lower the shutters in the morning so that the sun's rays do not harm the fish.

By air conditioning or fan
The climate is definitely a much faster, safer and more efficient way of keeping the optimal temperature in the room at 25 ° C, but if you do not have the climate, the fan will also be subjected.

Use this method to be especially careful. Fishes do not tolerate abrupt temperature fluctuations, so ice cubes should be avoided in the aquarium. However, in the absence of other options, he took the lead, but put it in a place where the water flows fastest, in order to keep the water temperature gradually lowering. You can fry a plastic bottle with water and immerse yourself in the aquarium. When the melt is kept, remove the bottle and freeze again.

Turn off the heater
Most water heaters have a self-regulating function, so what kind of water reaches a temperature higher than the set, the heater turns itself off. If, however, you are not sure whether your heater will have a function, turn it off. Of course, you can also get a specialized aquarium fan, but its price is quite high. Alternatively, you can also use coolers for computers.

Lighting in the aquarium produces a lot of heat, so it is minimized.

Discus are members of the Family Cichlidae and are sometimes referred to as “King of the Aquarium” because of their majestic beauty and regal colors.  At least three species have been described, although debate continues over the validity of several assigned scientific names.  Wild caught discus can be challenging to keep, due to their specialized water chemistry and dietary needs, however, most discus sold today are captive bred and are much easier to keep.  That said, they are not for beginners, for a variety of reasons.  Through selective breeding, numerous color varieties are available and more continue to be developed.
We present you one of the most beautiful aquariums in the world with disc fish. This is a compilation of the finest samples of disc fish. Breeders wish the best of luck and success in the coming period and you enjoy watching this video.
Category of discus at videos are
Ocean Green discus,
Pigeon Snake discus,
Red White discus,
Red Spotted Green discus,
Indian Summer discus,
 Red Golden Diamond discus,
Heckel Wild discus,
Alenqer with fry discus,
Snakeskin discus,
 san merah (snake bar) Albino gen discus,
Heckel discus,
 Heckel Cross discus,
San Merah (Snake Bar) discus,
Red Alenqer discus,
Red Alenquer discus,
Red Spotted Green discus,
San Merah (Snakeskin bars) discus,
Golden discus,
Red Pearl with Fry discus,
Cobalt discus,
Red Pearl Turquoise discus.
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